Maeva, Manava, ʻIa ora na
Welcome POLY-lingual MEMBERS!
Thank you for choosing this program and Congratulations to you!
Haʻapōpou maitaʻi ia ʻoe!
The REO TAHITI PREMIUM COURSE is an e-learning program for Poly-lingual Reo Tahiti members who wants to learn Tahitian at their own pace. With this membership program, you have access to all of our courses and you can learn anytime and anywhere, at your own convenience.
As a member, you will have unlimited access:
- 18 Modules
- 105+ Video Lessons
- 30+ Hours of content
- 100+ downloadable PDFs
- 1000+ Tahitian words in our Vocabulary vault
- Access on any device
- Workbooks, planner etc..
- Access to Private Facebook Group "Reo Tahiti for beginners"
You can follow our suggested language learning planning and use a special workbook we designed for you.
This will help you to get organize when learning Tahitian through our program so you can achieve your language goals.
We are available to you, if you have any questions or concerns, contact us at [email protected]
A fa’aitoito i te ha’api’i i te reo Tahiti!
Good luck on your Reo Tahiti learning journey!
Māuruuru, te aroha ʻia rahi, pārahi, ʻia ora na!
Course Curriculum
StartIntroduction (0:57)
StartAbout the Reo Tahiti (2:41)
StartA bit of History (2:59)
StartThe Reo Tahiti today (2:35)
StartThe Reo Tahiti and other languages of the South Pacific (4:03)
StartThe different styles of Tahitian writing (Turo Raapoto & Fare Vānaʻa) (3:14)
StartAbout the Tahitian people (4:49)
StartIntroducing the Tahitian Alphabet (2:49)
StartThe Tahitian Alphabet
StartHow to pronounce the Tahitian vowels? (0:45)
StartHow to pronounce the Tahitian consonnants? (0:54)
StartThe Tahitian pronunciation mistakes to avoid (2:39)
StartThe Tahitian accents (1:01)
StartQUIZ: The Tahitian accent marks
StartThe accent mark: Tārava (2:06)
StartQUIZ: The Tārava
StartThe accent mark: ʻEta (2:15)
StartQUIZ: The ʻEta
StartThe combination of both accents marks (3:14)
StartThe Tahitian double vowels (The Diphthongs) (3:11)
StartThe consecutive vowels (2:32)
StartThe pitch accent (2:20)
StartTahitian Alphabet song (1:07)
StartA bit of history (1:06)
Start3.1 General articles: Introduction (1:40)
StartQUIZ - General articles
Start3.2 General articles: Singular & Plural (The) (2:37)
StartQUIZ: The Definite article = The
Start3.3 General articles: Singular & Plural (A, an) (1:05)
StartQUIZ: The indefinite article = A, an
Start3.4 General articles: Singular & Plural (Some) (2:44)
StartQUIZ: The indefinite article SOME
Start3.5 General articles: Dual (2:43)
StartQUIZ: The dual articles
Start3.6 General articles: Conclusion (0:54)
Start3.7 Demonstrative articles: Introduction (1:12)
StartQUIZ: The Demonstrative articles
Start3.8 Demonstrative articles: This/That (1:31)
StartQUIZ: The singular Demonstrative articles: This/That
Start3.9 Demonstrative articles: Those/These (2:25)
StartQUIZ: The plural Demonstrative articles: Those/These
Start4.1 Tahitian verbs - Introduction (4:34)
Start4.2 Past Tense (2:45)
StartQUIZ: The Past Tense
Start4.3 Present Tense (3:51)
StartQUIZ: The Preent Tense
Start4.4 Future Tense (2:04)
StartQUIZ: The Future Tense
Start4.5 To Love & To like (2:08)
StartQUIZ: To love & To like
Start4.6 TO BE with the particle ʻO & E (5:18)
StartQUIZ: TO BE in Tahitian
Start4.7 TO HAVE with the particle E (4:06)
StartQUIZ: TO HAVE in Tahitian
Start5.1 Tahitian pronouns - Introduction (1:06)
Start5.2 The singular pronouns (2:36)
StartQUIZ: The singular pronoun
Start5.3 The dual pronouns (4:31)
StartQUIZ: The dual pronouns
Start5.4 The plural pronouns (4:46)
StartQUIZ - The plural pronouns
Start5.5 The possessive articles - Introduction (1:16)
Start5.6 The O category (1:55)
Start5.7 The possessive article TŌ (1:38)
Start5.8 The A category (1:59)
Start5.9 The possessive article TĀ (2:00)
Start5.10 Comparing TŌ & TĀ (2:55)
Start5.11 Combination of possessive articles & pronouns (7:09)
Start5.12 Neutral possessive article TAʻU (1:44)
StartQUIZ - The Possessive articles
StartQUIZ - The possessive article TŌ & TĀ
Start7.1 Common ways to greet people (12:52)
StartQUIZ - Common ways to greet people
Start7.2 How to introduce yourself in Tahitian? (Part 1) (13:39)
StartQUIZ - How to introduce yourself in Tahitian
Start7.3 How to say farewell in Tahitian? (Part 1) (3:19)
StartQUIZ - How to say farewell in Tahitian
Start7.4 Languages, Countries and ethnicities (8:17)
StartQUIZ - Languages, Countries, Ethnicities
Start8.1 Common verbs in Tahitian (5:25)
StartQUIZ - Common verbs in Tahitian
Start8.2 Common verbs in a simple sentence (20:04)
StartQUIZ - Common verbs in a simple sentence
Start8.3 I like & I donʻt like in Tahitian (13:16)
StartQUIZ - I like & i donʻt like in Tahitian
Start8.4 Sentences with Hobbies (11:51)
StartQUIZ - Sentences with hobbies
Start8.5 Tahitian dance, music and songs (16:18)
StartQUIZ - Tahitian dance, music and songs
Start9.1 Introduction to Time (5:20)
Start9.2 Calendar: Year (2:11)
Start9.3 Calendar: Month (2:04)
Start9.4 Calendar: Week (2:26)
Start9.5 Introduction to Space & location (1:58)
Start9.6 How to describe the weather (5:45)
StartQUIZ - Time in Tahitian
StartQUIZ - Space & Location
Start9.7 Holidays and Celebrations (8:51)
Start11.1 Colors in Tahitian (Part 1) (9:36)
StartQUIZ - Colors in Tahitian
Start11.2 Clothes (4:14)
StartQUIZ - Clothes
Start11.3 Sentences with colors & clothes (10:41)
StartQUIZ - Sentences with colors and clothes
Start11.4 Body parts (3:23)
StartQUIZ - Body parts
Start11.5 Sentences with colors and Body parts (6:55)
StartQUIZ - Sentences with colors and Body parts
Start12.1 Family members & relatives Vocabulary (10:44)
StartQUIZ - Family members & relatives vocabulary
Start12.2 Adjectives in Tahitian (PART 1) (2:37)
Start12.3 Sentences with adjectives (10:33)
StartQUIZ - Sentences with adjectives
Start12.4 Sentences with adjectives & body parts (9:11)
StartQUIZ - Sentences with adjectives & body parts
Start12.5 How to describe another person (with adjectives) (8:32)
StartQUIZ - How to describe another person (with adjectives)
Start12.6 How to introduce your family in Tahitian? (Part 1) (15:06)
StartQUIZ - Howto introduce your family in Tahitian (Part 1)
Start14.1 Buildings (6:03)
StartQUIZ - Buildings
Start14.2 Rooms & Furniture (2:14)
StartQUIZ - Rooms and Furniture
Start14.3 House objects (5:26)
StartQUIZ - House of objects
Start14.4 Useful Space & Location vocabulary (4:23)
Start14.5 Question: Where is...? (16:02)
StartQUIZ - Useful Space & Location vocabulary
Start15.1 Traditional & local food (14:49)
StartQUIZ - Traditionl & Local food
Start15.2 Sentences with Traditional & local food (3:45)
StartQUIZ - Sentences with food
Start15.3 How to order food in a restaurant & be polite (12:31)
Start15.4 How to express if you like the food or not (Part 1) (7:12)
StartQUIZ - How to express if you like the food or not
Start16.1 Different feelings (2:52)
StartQUIZ - Feelings in Tahitian
Start16.2 Character traits & personality in Tahitian (6:40)
StartQUIZ - Sentences with character traits & personality in Tahitian
Start16.3 How to respond to someone about their day/feelings (2:29)
Start16.3 How to ask someone about their day/feelings (2:29)
Start17.1 Tahitian Anthem
Start17.2 French Polynesia Flag
Start17.3 Tahiti, discovery, population, climate
Start17.4 The Polynesians
Start17.5 Tahiti important dates to know
Start17.6 Tumu raʻi fenua
Start17.7 Matariʻi i niʻa
Start17.8 Heiva
Start17.9 Rahiri ceremony at the Heiva
Start17.10 Mana
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- ACTION VERBS (Part 1) (2:54)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- ACTION VERBS (Part 2)) (2:53)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- AIRPORT (2:05)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- ANIMALS (2:42)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- BIRD (1:43)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- BODY PARTS (Part 1) (2:56)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- BODY PARTS (Part 2) (3:27)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- BUILDINGS/OFFICES (Part 1) (2:42)
StartCopy of Tahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- BUILDINGS/OFFICES (Part 2) (2:58)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- CHORES (1:02)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- CITY (1:57)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- CLASSROOM (3:00)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- CLEANING (1:33)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- CLOTHING (2:48)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- COLORS (2:52)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- COUNTRIES (3:44)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- DAY: TIME OF THE DAY (1:50)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- DAYS OF THE WEEK (2:10)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- DIRECTIONS (2:23)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- ENJOY YOUR MEAL (1:04)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- EYES (1:43)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- FACE (2:47)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- FAMILY (6:27)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- FIRE (1:31)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- FISH (1:29)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- FLOWER (1:43)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- FOOD (1:56)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- FRUITS (2:38)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- FURNITURE (1:44)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From A to G) -- GENERATION (3:45)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From H to N) -- HAND (2:24)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From H to N) -- HEIVA FESTIVITIES (8:05)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From H to N) -- HOSPITAL (1:44)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From H to N) -- HOUSE (3:27)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From H to N) -- INSTRUMENTS (2:36)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From H to N) -- JOBS (3:29)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From H to N) -- LAND (2:49)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From H to N) -- MATERIAL (1:43)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From H to N) -- MEALS (1:34)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From H to N) -- MONTHS OF THE YEAR (3:26)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From H to N) -- MOOD/FEELINGS (2:43)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From H to N) -- NUMBERS (Part 1) (2:54)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From H to N) -- NUMBERS (Part 2) (2:54)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From O to Z) -- POST OFFICE (1:43)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From O to Z) -- QUAY (1:33)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From O to Z) -- SAY "HI & BYE" (2:00)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From O to Z) -- SEA ANIMALS (3:18)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From O to Z) -- SHAPES (1:44)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From O to Z) -- SPACE (4:18)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From O to Z) -- SPORTS (2:01)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From O to Z) -- TIME (Part 1) (2:23)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From O to Z) -- TIME ( Part 2) (1:24)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From O to Z) -- TOOLS (2:26)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From O to Z) -- TREE (1:43)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From O to Z) -- UTENSILS (2:32)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From O to Z) -- VEGETABLES (2:10)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From O to Z) -- WATER (2:11)
StartTahitian Common Words series - (From O to Z) -- WEATHER (2:21)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From A to G) -- TO BATHE (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From A to G) -- TO BREAK (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From A to G) -- TO BRING (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From A to G) -- TO BUILD (1:17)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From A to G) -- TO BURN (1:13)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From A to G) -- TO BUY (1:13)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From A to G) -- TO CALL (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From A to G) -- TO CHANGE (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From A to G) -- TO CHOOSE (1:20)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From A to G) -- TO COUNT (1:14)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From A to G) -- TO CUT
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From A to G) -- TO DANCE (1:04)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From A to G) -- TO DRINK (1:13)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From A to G) -- TO DRIVE (1:18)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From A to G) -- TO ENTER (1:04)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From A to G) -- TO FIGHT (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From A to G) -- TO HELP (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From A to G) -- TO HIDE (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From A to G) -- TO HURRY (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From H to S) -- TO JUMP (1:17)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From H to S) -- TO KISS (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From H to S) -- TO LEARN (1:17)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From H to S) -- TO LIE DOWN (1:35)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From H to S) -- TO LISTEN (1:18)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From H to S) -- TO LIKE (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From H to S) -- TO OVERFLOW (1:06)
StartCommon Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From H to S) -- TO PLUG (1:13)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From H to S) -- TO PUSH (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From H to S) -- TO READ (1:14)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From H to S) -- TO RAISE THE VOLUME
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From H to S) -- TO SINK (1:04)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From H to S) -- TO SIT (1:17)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From H to S) -- TO SEARCH (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From H to S) -- TO SLEEP (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From H to S) -- TO START (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From H to S) -- TO SWALLOW (1:12)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From H to S) -- TO SWEEP (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From T to Z) -- TO TIE (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From T to Z) -- TO PRESS THE BUTTON (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From T to Z) -- TO TURN ON (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From T to Z) -- TO UNDERSTAND (1:04)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From T to Z) -- TO WAIT (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From T to Z) -- TO WELCOME (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From T to Z) -- TO WIN (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From T to Z) -- TO WIPE (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From T to Z) -- TO WRITE (1:19)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From A to G) -- ADDRESS (1:20)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From A to G) -- AGE (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From A to G) -- AIRPORT (1:16)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From A to G) -- BALL (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From A to G) -- BAMBOO (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From A to G) -- BANK (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From A to G) -- BEARD (1:11)
StartCopy of Tahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From A to G) -- BEAUTIFUL (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From A to G) -- CHILDREN (1:04)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From A to G) -- CHOCOLATE (1:03)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From A to G) -- CHURCH (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From A to G) -- COLOR (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From A to G) -- FLOWER NECKLACE (1:12)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From A to G) -- CYCLONE (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From A to G) -- COFFEE (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From A to G) -- CUSTOMER/CLIENT (1:12)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From A to G) -- DANCER (1:18)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From A to G) -- DIRECTIONS (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From A to G) -- ERROR/MISTAKE (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From A to G) -- FIELD (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From A to G) -- FLAG (1:19)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From A to G) -- FOOD (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From A to G) -- FRIEND (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From A to G) -- GAS (1:26)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From A to G) -- GIFT (1:18)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From H to N) -- MONEY (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From H to N) -- NOISE (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From O to Z) -- OUTSIDE (0:57)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From O to Z) -- PATH (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From O to Z) -- RIGHT (1:16)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From O to Z) -- SCHOOL (1:18)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From O to Z) -- SHOES (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verb series] - (From H to S) -- TO SING (1:09)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From O to Z) -- STARS (1:12)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From O to Z) -- TEAM/GROUP (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From O to Z) -- TODAY (1:18)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From O to Z) -- WATER (1:11)
StartCopy of Tahitian Common Phrases series - [Noun series] - (From O to Z) -- YEAR (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Adjectives series] - (From A to G) -- AGITATED (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Adjectives series] - (From A to G) -- ANGRY (1:04)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Adjectives series] - (From A to G) -- ARRIVED (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Adjectives series] - (From A to G) -- BEAUTIFUL (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Adjectives series] - (From A to G) -- BLIND (1:12)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Adjectives series] - (From A to G) -- CALM/PEACEFUL (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Adjectives series] - (From A to G) -- COLD (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Adjectives series] - (From A to G) -- DANGEROUS (1:02)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Adjectives series] - (From A to G) -- DIFFERENT (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Adjectives series] - (From A to G) -- DIFFICULT (1:02)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Adjectives series] - (From A to G) -- EASY (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Adjectives series] - (From A to G) -- GOOD (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Adjectives series] - (From H to N) -- HAPPY (1:04)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Adjectives series] - (From H to N) -- HARD (1:18)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Adjectives series] - (From H to N) -- HOT (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Verbs series] - (From H to S) -- TO BE HURT (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Adjectives series] - (From H to N) -- LATE (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Adjectives series] - (From H to N) -- SHORT (1:11)
StartTahitian Common Phrases series - [Adjectives series] - (From H to N) -- WEAK (1:11)
Your Instructor
'Ia ora na!
I am Moenau Rivera, your course creator.
I am Tahitian and a passionate of Polynesian Travel, Languages, Culture and Traditions, which is why i created video courses for you to learn how to speak Tahitian Language quickly in an easy way.
I designed these video lessons with animated characters to make learning FUN and SIMPLE.
Happy learning! ʻIa ʻoaʻoa te haʻapiʻiraʻa!
"Māuruuru roa to Moenau and the rest of POLY-LINGUAL TEAM for creating this wonderful Reo Tahiti program for English speakers. As a student of ʻORI TAHITI, this is a great resource to have so that i may learn more about Tahitian language and culture. The cartoon video lessons are cute, fun, short, easy-to-use, and provide a wealth of information."
- Anne Crutchfield, ʻOri Tahiti Dancer, English Tecaher (Los Angeles)
"My experience with Poly-lingual was fulfilling. The learning process and the program line-up has proven to benefit me and my Pupu ʻOri ʻO Hinaʻaro Nui. I look forward to continuing my learning and hope to be able to speak a little more fluently the Reo Tahiti"
- Desiree Woodward, Group leader/Owner of Tahitian dance studio ʻO Hinaʻaro Nui
Get started now!
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- Remove any copyright or other proprietary notations from the materials
- Transfer the materials to another person or mirror the materials on any other servers.
This license shall automatically terminate if you violate any of these restrictions and may be terminated by POLY-LINGUAL at any time.
Upon terminating your viewing of these materials or upon the termination of this license, you must destroyed any downloaded materials in your possession whether in electronic or printed format.